
Tomatoes are well-liked and popular. The flavour of home grown tomatoes is much better than the taste of shop bought ones. You can easily grow these plant in our colder climate, inside a greenhouse, hothouse or outdoors on a sunny and sheltered plot. There are a lot of different varieties of tomatoes such as: little, big, red, white, yellow, brown, blue and green ones. Use tomatoes in salads, on sandwiches, in soups, sauces, pasta sauces, on pizzas and in casseroles. You can cook, bake, roast and stir-fry tomatoes.
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Helsing Junction Blues
  • TOP SEEDS are exclusive seeds produced by 123seeds or under control of 123seeds. These seeds are produced in such low numbers that they can’t by certified but bear the approval 123seeds.

Tomato Stick

Tomato seeds
Item number: 4213

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